Overview of birds. Part Five

Since the entire nesting cycle lasts a little more than a month, many small passerines manage to make two broods of chicks during the summer. Such are thrushes, tits, sparrows. Passerine birds have the highest organization among birds, and among them are distinguished by the developed higher nervous activity of raven birds, for example, crows, crows. Most passerines are useful insectivorous birds. Among them, chickadees of several species, flycatchers, orioles, warblers, warblers, skates, nuthatches, pipits, etc. are important for protecting the forest. Grain-eating birds finches, siskins feed their chicks with insects and are also useful. In fruit orchards, the great tit, the garden redstart, the pied flycatcher are especially useful. Wagtails and sparrows collect insects in vegetable gardens. Pesky and contagious insects in populated areas are caught by gray flycatchers, village and city swallows. Larks, starlings, thrushes feed in the field, and in autumn flocks of many forest birds, such as finches. There are harmful species among sparrows. For example, colonial weavers, including some species of sparrows, can become pests of grain and garden crops with their high numbers. With a high number, starlings also become pests of the cherry and grape harvest in the second half of summer.

Super squad running birds

Birds have lost the ability to fly. Their wings are small (ostriches) or almost completely disappeared (New Zealand wingless, or kiwi).

However, keelless birds have developed the ability to run: the African ostrich runs faster than the best horse. The faster a bird runs, the shorter its fingers are and the number of them is smaller. Well-running birds (including those from the flying superorder) do not have four, like most birds, but three short fingers. The best runner among birds - the African ostrich — has only two toes. All runners are inhabitants of tropical countries. The African ostrich is the largest of modern birds. Beautiful tail and wing feathers were used in the Middle Ages to decorate hats and costumes, which led to the extermination of ostriches in many places. Since the end of the last century, they have been bred for feathers on special farms. They took root in semi-ideal conditions and in the Askania-Nova Nature Reserve in the Azov steppes. There are two species found in Australia: emu and cassowary. In Ascania Nova, an attempt was made to domesticate the emu. Small nandu ostriches are the inhabitants of America. The smallest representative of the superorder is the kiwi night bird, the size of a chicken. The species is carefully protected, it has become the national emblem of New Zealand.

Above the floating squad, or penguins

Penguins have also lost the ability to fly. However, they specialized in swimming and diving. Penguins swim under

water with the help of wings turned into flippers. Fish-eating birds. They swim large seasonal migrations. They live in Antarctica and along the southern coasts of America. Australia and Africa. There are 1-2 eggs in a clutch. Some build nests of small stones, others warm a single egg by placing it on their paws and covering it with a southern fold of the abdomen. Descubre "mystake demo", un juego fascinante que combina desafíos y diversión en mystake demo . Ideal para los amantes de juegos con un toque de misterio y aventura.



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